Imagine we all are in a crisis and nobody is ordering stuff from Amazon or another international corporation – instead, we all decide to buy at local companies. Amazon and Co. hardly pay any taxes in Austria and therefore do not finance a single hospitalbed or a single ventilator. Apart from the tax money that gets lost for Austria a lot of local businesses are on the edge of breaking down.
Let´s focus on helping local businesses in these hard times of crisis!
Let´s keep the money in Austria! #solidarity
I therefore provide my website for all the small Austrian businesses that are currently trembling for existence. The businesses have to offer information on their website on how they can provide their goods in times of corona-lockdown. |
Villa No. 9 is the first address when it comes to living and giving. In our shop we sell beautiful things for your home, for your kitchen and NEW: everything for baking
Wohnen - Dekorieren - Backen - Schenken
Domestic natural and sheep wool products
NATURWEIN online shop - Walk on ohe wine side
Fine natural wines from Italy, Austria, Sowenia, Spain and Germany
Online wine trade with free shipping
Wine and spirits trade
Austrian wines in small bottles. As a gift or for enjoyment alone at home. The Austrian wine landscape offers a lot to try.
Wine, grappa, spirits / liqueurs, sparkling wine / prosecco & spumante
Fine wines, liqueurs, juices and vinegar from Austria
Austrian wines and specialties
French wines
Weinhandel, wein und Wachau, beste Weise, Rum, Gin
Upcycling design lamps made from old commodities
Non-alcoholic wine and sparkling wine
An- und Verkauf von gebrauchten Schallplatten
Vinyltom offers second hand records in top condition with a focus on jazz, over 5,000 records available online!
Trading records and hi-fi
Household goods, cookware, enamel dishes, baking accessories, glass, porcelain, gifts, ...
Fantastic slogans on Viennese fashion
Handgefertigte Hüllen für Streichinstrumente zum Schutz gegen hygrische, thermische und mechanische Einwirkungen, in Wien nachhaltig und fair hergestellt, teils aus Vintage Materialien wie antiken Kimonos
hochwertige hautschonende Desinfektionsmittel und Naturkosmetik Produkte. Made in Austria
hochwertige hautschonende Desinfektionsmittel und Naturkosmetik Produkte. Made in Austria
VIRIBUS UNITIS - Austrian luxury watches with tradition.
Accompanying projects for digital transformation, customer experience and employee motivation. Advice and initial discussions are virtually possible at any time - just send a short email.
Handmade fashion from Vienna
BIO Cannabis & CBD Produkte aus lokaler Herstellung
Video and live stream production
Communication agency: events, graphics, web, marketing, film & photo, PR
EPU advertising agency for social media advertising, film production, photos and product photos, online marketing, graphics and web solutions
Grafik und Webdesign, Virtuelle Assistenz
VITA1001 - Bio Vitalkaffee; Lampocoy - Cafe de Mujeres; Bio Vitalpilze NEM Made in Austria; Organo Gold ; Flaska - die programmierte Wasserflasche aus Glas
Cosmetic raw materials, essential oils, perfume oils, natural goods
Sicherheit und Hilfe auf Knopfdruck! Vitakt ist einer der ersten Anbieter von Hausnotrufsystemen. Vitakt bietet Senioren, hilfsbedürftigen oder alleinlebenden Menschen mit seinen Notrufgeräten Sicherheit für daheim und unterwegs.
Online Shop für Gesudheitsprodukte wie energetische Schuheinlagen.
Natural food supplements - vitamins, minerals
Natural cosmetics from Austria
Everything about dietary supplements, sports nutrition, diet, vitality and Co.
Große Auswahl an Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und Sportnahrung. 236 Top-Marken aus aller Welt!
Cosmetics from Upper Austria with the natural power of moss
High quality nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, trace elements from Robert Franz and other manufacturers, teas, herbs, Austrian natural crystal salt, STYX natural cosmetics, specialist books and much more.
Grafik Design für Druck und Web sowie Animationen für Werbung und Erklärvideo. Schaufenstergestaltung und Dekoration
Small organic delicatessen for the nutrition-conscious
Home delivery of fruits, vegetables, meat and more
Agency for setting up online shops.
You can buy natural vital substances from us. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, CBD, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, bioactive plant substances, fiber and probiotics. Natural cosmetics, essences, tea, oils, laboratory tests and much more.
MACH MIT und trag aktiv dazu bei jedem Menschen ein selbstbestimmtes gutes Leben zu ermöglichen.
Schenken mit Sinn: Ermögliche mit Viva con Agua sauberes Trinkwasser für Menschen weltweit
Food, vinegar, oils and beverage concentrates made in Austria
Trade in specialties
Sign up here with your local business, if
We ask you to put a note for your customers on your own websiite on how you are able to stay in service.
Feel free to recommend our website to others. But in order to avoid redundancies we ask you just to sign up your own business.
Please consider that the people behind this website are working unsalaried to check all of your businesses before we put them online. There might be delays, but we work as fast as we can.
Ps: Ordering stuff on Amazon that you can only get there does not make you a bad person. But please consider first if the product you are searching for can be bought at a local business as well. J Plus: Right now is a very good time to reconsider all of you shopping behavior and maybe reduce it a little bit. But it is also a very good time to show solidarity with austrian businesses :)
Vouches can be placed on this website,
Any kinds of psychological consulting on this website.
Thank you for your solidarity, stay safe, stay inside!
If you have any questions, please email them to us!