Imagine we all are in a crisis and nobody is ordering stuff from Amazon or another international corporation – instead, we all decide to buy at local companies. Amazon and Co. hardly pay any taxes in Austria and therefore do not finance a single hospitalbed or a single ventilator. Apart from the tax money that gets lost for Austria a lot of local businesses are on the edge of breaking down.
Let´s focus on helping local businesses in these hard times of crisis!
Let´s keep the money in Austria! #solidarity
I therefore provide my website for all the small Austrian businesses that are currently trembling for existence. The businesses have to offer information on their website on how they can provide their goods in times of corona-lockdown. |
Grußkarten, Puzzle, Papeterie, Kalender, Notizbücher, Notizhefte, Papierservietten, Tabletts im unverwechselbaren vintage Stil von PABUKU, frei nach dem Motto "Normal is just an illusion"
PACKPONY LIEBT RUCKSÄCKE: die großen und die kleinen, die aus Leder und die aus Stoff. Die fürs Wochenende und die für Montag bis Freitag. Die für die nächste große Radtour und die für den Abend im Lieblingslokal. So unterschiedlich die Rücksäcke auch si
Sustainable fashion for children from 0 to 10 years * Fair and produced with love.
PAGRO DISKONT is 100% an Austrian company. PAGRO DISKONT offers a comprehensive product range in the areas of paper, office and household both for retail and for SMEs.
Bausanierung, Dachwartung, Not Türöffnungen / schlüsseldienst
We transform your pet into a work of art.
We would be happy to supply you with our ceramics, which you can paint at home!
Paint the ceramic yourself
Paint ceramics yourself for the young and young at heart
Outdoor paintball in Innsbruck
Outdoor paintball in Kitzbühel after the crisis
Illustration, digital artwork, canvas, unique shoe painting, expressive graffiti wall painting, and much more.
Children's pyjamas
Social media marketing, PR and press work
Klassische und Vedische Astrologie für alle Lebensfragen - Buchautorinnen erstellen individuelle Horoskope
Vouchers for photos
Pamipa is more than just jewelry. Put a smile on your face and on others.
Jewellery, proceeds go to social projects
PANACEO stellt als österreichisches Unternehmen seit 2007 zertifizierte Medizinprodukte auf Basis von PMA-Zeolith zur Stärkung und Entgiftung der Darmwand-Barriere her. Stetige Forschung macht PANACEO zum Marktführer in diesem Bereich.
Innovativer und nachhaltiger Bürobedarf
Innovativer Bürobedarf & hochwertige Schreibwaren
Advice on fears and panic conditions, also via telephone, email and Skype
Italian delicatessen
Erstellung von SEO optimierten Websites von A-Z (Domain Registrierung, Website Hosting, WordPress CMS, Webdesign, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Cookie Banner, WooCommerce & eCommerce Tracking)
(Online-)Shop für Angelzubehör
Music label for jazz & improvised music
Outdoorbekleidung und -ausrüstung für die ganze Familie.
DesignerHandbags / Guess - Desigual - GeorgeGinaLucy - Fritzi Aus PReussen - Valentino - Campomaggi - Fredsbruder and many more ...
Kreative Sets und Bastelideen zum Selbermachen. PAPELIER, der Raum für Grafik & Kreatives ist ein Ort für analoge und digitale Grafik- & Kunstprojekte, wo die Handarbeit mit Papier im Vordergrund steht.
Graphic design (Wedding, baby, business)
personalisierte Ledernotizbücher mit dazu passenden Notizheften aus bestem schwedischem Papier, Kalender, Stifte, Accessoires
Notebooks, photo albums, stationery, cards, art prints
Papercut Art, Giant Flowers, Graphics & Handlettering
Ich erstelle personalisierte Bilderrahmen, Papierblumen und Girlanden, die sich ideal als Hintergründe oder Wanddeko eignen.
Paperholic offers you everything related to packaging, handicrafts, stickers, party decorations, celebrations, stationary, marriages ...
Paper, office and school items, craft supplies, e-shop
Unique pieces of paper, handmade paper, lamps, light objects, pictures, flower paper
Papeterie, Schulartikel, Büroartikel, Geschenke, Bastelmaterial
Trade in paper and office supplies of all kinds
Papierwaren, Bastelwaren, Schultaschen, Schreibwaren, Homeschooling Accesoires
Specialist trade for paper design and scrapbooking
bilingual children's magazines
Maßgeschneidertes für Fellnasen und cleveres Zubehör für ihre Menschen: Halsbänder, Brustgeschirre, Leinen, Goodie- und Gassibags, Outdoordecken usw
Paracel - a brand of Espara, vitamins, minerals, plant substances, micronutrients.
Shipping across Austria, delivery in Salzburg
Beauty, Health & Spirit We are your center for health & beauty.
Cosmetic treatments, permanent makeup, drugstore, energetics
Online farm shop
individuell und liebevoll handgefertigte Unikate aus Biothane, Paracord und Tau für Hunde und Pferde sowie Schlüsselanhänger, Armbänder und vieles mehr!
Sign up here with your local business, if
We ask you to put a note for your customers on your own websiite on how you are able to stay in service.
Feel free to recommend our website to others. But in order to avoid redundancies we ask you just to sign up your own business.
Please consider that the people behind this website are working unsalaried to check all of your businesses before we put them online. There might be delays, but we work as fast as we can.
Ps: Ordering stuff on Amazon that you can only get there does not make you a bad person. But please consider first if the product you are searching for can be bought at a local business as well. J Plus: Right now is a very good time to reconsider all of you shopping behavior and maybe reduce it a little bit. But it is also a very good time to show solidarity with austrian businesses :)
Vouches can be placed on this website,
Any kinds of psychological consulting on this website.
Thank you for your solidarity, stay safe, stay inside!
If you have any questions, please email them to us!