Imagine we all are in a crisis and nobody is ordering stuff from Amazon or another international corporation – instead, we all decide to buy at local companies. Amazon and Co. hardly pay any taxes in Austria and therefore do not finance a single hospitalbed or a single ventilator. Apart from the tax money that gets lost for Austria a lot of local businesses are on the edge of breaking down.
Let´s focus on helping local businesses in these hard times of crisis!
Let´s keep the money in Austria! #solidarity
I therefore provide my website for all the small Austrian businesses that are currently trembling for existence. The businesses have to offer information on their website on how they can provide their goods in times of corona-lockdown. |
Eau de Parfum (18-20 % Duftölanteil), Duschgel & Aftershave, Duftpens, vegane Naturkosmetik, Thalasso-Pflegeserie, Fitness Fluid, vollspektrum Hanfextrakt (CBD Öl 5 %+10 %), Aloe Vera Saft, Cistus Lutschtabletten, Colostrum Kapseln, bioaktive Nagelpflege
Duftkerzen in diversen Formen, Raumduft, Kerzen-Accessoires, Diffuser sowie ätherische Öle
Minimalist & handmade jewelry made from recycled silver & gold. Made in Austria and Germany.
Lunch bags, snack pockets, purses, pouches for the Kackerlsackerl, and much more
Design from Carinthia
Wir verkaufen feinstes japanisches Kunsthandwerk. Zb. Handgemachte Regenschirme und Holzboxen aus rein natürlichen Materialien. Unsere Produkte sind zeitlos schön, nachhaltig & exklusiv. Sie eignen sich besonders gut als außergewöhnliche Luxusgeschenke.
Kleine & feine Geschenkideen aus hochwertigem Papier und anderen edlen Materialien. Die Grafik- und Designhandwerk-Marke monQu entstand aus dem Französischen „mon cadeau de qualité“ also „mein Geschenk mit Qualität“.
Im Monsterladen findest du nicht nur unsere kuscheligen Plüschtiere, sondern auch die groovigen Kinderlieder-CDs zu den Monsterfreunde-Abenteuern
I am a freelance text writer, advertiser and conceptualist
Translations, interpreting, video interpreting, proofreading for German / Italian / English / French
Sustainable sportswear
Moonflower bietet einen Lieferservice von frischen Blumenarrangements an. Wir möchten Ihnen die Möglichkeit geben auch in Zeiten wie diesen Ihnen oder Ihren Liebsten eine Freude zu bereiten.
DAS BUCH "MS-Meine Sache Motherf***, Die Black Jack Strategie gegen MS
Online GuiDance, Yoga, Tanz, Meditation, Rituale, Kakaorituale, Begleitung in der Gruppe und ganz persönlich auf deine Bedürfnisse
MOOSERIE ist ein junges Label aus Mondsee. Wir fertigen natürliches Interior Design für dein Zuhause. Für unsere 100% natürlichen Moosbilder verarbeiten wir ausschließlich zertifiziertes und nachhaltig geerntetes Moos aus Nord- und Mitteleuropa.
Free shipping in Austria
Buchhandlung für Krimi und phantastische Literatur
Regional beverage trade
online Supervision und Coaching (ÖVS)
We plan IT systems, networks and security individually for your company and support you sustainably with the implementation.
Morgengold brings it - we deliver fresh pastries from the baker to the front door. Daily, early in the morning, in time for breakfast. Free trial delivery for all interested parties.
Elegant, Sportlich, Bequem! Handgefertigte Unikate Made in AUSTRIA. Mit dem Kauf von MORGENTAU Hauben und Accessoires entscheidest Du Dich bewusst: für 100 % Naturmaterialien, für langlebige Handarbeit und nachhaltige Qualität, für zeitlosen Stil.
Sale of wild-caught fish from Lake Millstatt
Tea online shop with over 350 varieties, Ronnefeldt tea brand partners and tea accessories
Modeaccessoires, die glücklich machen.
Acoustic cabins, office and home furniture
Apple juice clear or naturally cloudy, mixed apple juices, cider, apple must, pear must, vinegar specialties, gourmet mustard
T-shirts and yoyos
Shop for motorcycle clothing, helmets and accessories
Motorcycles Scooter Moped Quad Electric scooter online shop
Distance learning courses from private to line pilot training
Motorcycle clothing from Büse and Scorpion
Production and sale of skis, touring skis, snowboards, splitboards, bindings, skins, ski bags, ski boot bags and accessories for snow sports
As the leading bike shop in Vienna, we offer a wide range of bicycles in all their different types and forms.
Film production and video production from Vienna - image film, advertising film, explanatory video, animation
Film production and video production from Vienna - image film, advertising film, explanatory video, animation
MOUST ist ein Premium Cider aus dem Südburgenland. Wir setzen auf hochwertige Äpfel von regionalen Streuobstwiesen. Durch unsere leidenschaftliche Handarbeit garantieren wir ein natürliches Geschmackserlebnis höchster Qualität.
Hello dear ones, we would be happy to advise you on all things around water sports. No matter if kitesurfing, SUPing, surfing or wing surfing.
Online yoga and meditation via zoom (also partner and parent-child yoga)
Sales of computer hardware, computer service
Yoga classes online
Digital agency with a focus on software development and UI / UX design
Natural cosmetics
IT support & support, IT security, websites & online shops, IT infrastructure & networks, telephony & video conferencing, teleworking, software and app development, IT consulting
MPG Solutions Handelsagentur agiert als Dachgesellschaft für jene Aktivitäten, die die Top Unternehmen in den Bereichen Logistik, Energie, Seminare, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung sowie Vertrieb vorstellt und ihre Dienstleistungen anbietet.
Der MPREIS Onlineshop liefert über 7.000 Lebensmittel, Getränke und Drogeriewaren in Tirol, Salzburg und Oberösterreich. 3x Gratis-Zustellung für Neukunden.
High-quality dog food, treats, nutritional supplements and chewing items in the range.
Delivery of swimming pool maintenance products and accessories in the Weinviertel and north of Vienna, by prior order by email
Sign up here with your local business, if
We ask you to put a note for your customers on your own websiite on how you are able to stay in service.
Feel free to recommend our website to others. But in order to avoid redundancies we ask you just to sign up your own business.
Please consider that the people behind this website are working unsalaried to check all of your businesses before we put them online. There might be delays, but we work as fast as we can.
Ps: Ordering stuff on Amazon that you can only get there does not make you a bad person. But please consider first if the product you are searching for can be bought at a local business as well. J Plus: Right now is a very good time to reconsider all of you shopping behavior and maybe reduce it a little bit. But it is also a very good time to show solidarity with austrian businesses :)
Vouches can be placed on this website,
Any kinds of psychological consulting on this website.
Thank you for your solidarity, stay safe, stay inside!
If you have any questions, please email them to us!