Imagine we all are in a crisis and nobody is ordering stuff from Amazon or another international corporation – instead, we all decide to buy at local companies. Amazon and Co. hardly pay any taxes in Austria and therefore do not finance a single hospitalbed or a single ventilator. Apart from the tax money that gets lost for Austria a lot of local businesses are on the edge of breaking down.
Let´s focus on helping local businesses in these hard times of crisis!
Let´s keep the money in Austria! #solidarity
I therefore provide my website for all the small Austrian businesses that are currently trembling for existence. The businesses have to offer information on their website on how they can provide their goods in times of corona-lockdown. |
Unikat Möbel und Deko aus originale wiener Gründerzeit Fliesen. Ein Stück Geschichte für Zuhause!
Special shop for all questions about tennis
Pet food for dogs and cats
Standing, seating and play box made from 100% recycled material
School books, Matura trainers and exercise books free of charge, online learning materials
Coffee slowly roasted on a wood fire by the pharmacist, in the mountains of the Salzkammergut, single origins, fair trade and concept store
At you can shop till you drop, flower pots, planters, garden accessories, fireplace accessories, toys, DVDs and much more.
HTS – Haus-Technik.Services, zu Deutsch Haus-Technik-Dienstleistungen, wurde am 1. Jänner 2020 ins Leben gerufen um vor allem Menschen der älteren Generation eine Möglichkeit zur Assistenz im Alltag und bei technischen Themen bieten zu können.
Der österreichische Kunstbuchverlag, seit 2006
Cibdol ist Europas führender Anbieter von CBD Öl, Kapseln, topischen Mitteln, Kristallen und mehr. Mit jedem Produkt liefern wir höchste Reinheit und verwenden nur die hochwertigsten Zutaten.
Digital brand experiences
Small coffee roasting house in Reutte / Tyrol.
Social media advice and support (online)
Our heart has been beating for paper since 1901! We are happy to supply you with printed matter, stationery, leather goods and selected writing implements.
Wir helfen sofort: Geschäfts- und Büroflächenoptimierung infolge Ihrer Umsatzrückgänge. Erfolgsformat „1 Tages-Quick-Check“ für sofort umsetzbare Optimierungsmaßnahmen. Kostenlose Erstberatung per Telefon (+43 699 10808024) oder Skype!
Huber close to skin underwear
Advice on liquidity issues and funding applications, digital accounting
Sandwich and roll production. We deliver in and around Vienna
HUBERT ist die neue Logistiklösung des Hafen Wien für eine nachhaltige und effiziente Belieferung von Gewerbebetrieben in und der Stadt Wien. Ihre Güter werden am Stadtrand gebündelt und mit ressourcenschonenden Fahrzeugen zugestellt.
Bags, sea bags
Specialist shop for watches, sports watches, jewelry and sports prices
Wooden decoration, ornaments and jewelry made of wood
Personality advice according to the Human Design System (online)
Online preparatory courses for AHS and HAK-Matura, entrance qualification, HAS; online tuition, online lessons (practice workshops), ...
Pool, pool maintenance products & accessories, water filters, drinking water treatment systems
Österreichs jüngste Online-Plattform mit Schickem und Sinnvollem für Hund und Heim
REiCO - species-appropriate dog & cat food
Shop for custom dog collars with names
Der Hundefeinkostladen ist Dein Experte in Wien für die artgerechte Ernährung von Hunden und Katzen. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der Rohfütterung – genannt BARFen (Biologisch Artgerechte Rohfütterung), natürliche Kauartikel & Leckerlies.
Dog biscuit manufacture, treats and more - handmade in Austria
Products for dogs and cats.
Digital and telephone-supported offer for the reduced Corona tariff: advice and instructions for positive dog training, problems with dog behavior, for species-appropriate employment, etc.
Sales of dog supplies: species-appropriate and natural dogs and cat food from Reico Vital-Systeme, anny-x products, harnesses, collars and leashes, Colori muzzles
We are there for you and your four-legged friends - puppy courses and personal behavior advice online and flexible
We deliver more than 30,000 office supplies, toner and ink directly to your door
The Hundsladen company stands for high-quality dog accessories. With me you will find everything to do your dog sport professionally and much more.
Agentur für ausgefuchstes Online-Marketing. Unsere Spezialgebiete sind Suchmaschinen-Marketing (SEA & SEO), Web-Analyse & Conversion-Optimierung und CRM.
Street food
Headgear: hats, caps, caps, .., gloves, scarves and accessories
Products from self-cultivated mushrooms in jars
Hats & headdresses made according to the old millinery craft, from our own workshop. Unique & small series.
Hat production for women, men and children's hats. 100% in-house production
Unser Unternehmen Hutter Zauntechnik ist der Spezialist für alle Arten von Toren und Zäunen, sowie für Balkone, Geländer und Sichtschutzwände. Unser Sortiment umfasst eine große Auswahl unterschiedlichster Produkte in diesem Bereich ...
IT Consulting, IT Support, IT Security & Working from Remote - HXS will be happy to advise you and support you when working from your home office!
Get -10% NOW! Simply copy the coupon code: 10prozenthy5 and paste it in the checkout area!
Custom functional training
Fruit and vegetable home delivery
Sign up here with your local business, if
We ask you to put a note for your customers on your own websiite on how you are able to stay in service.
Feel free to recommend our website to others. But in order to avoid redundancies we ask you just to sign up your own business.
Please consider that the people behind this website are working unsalaried to check all of your businesses before we put them online. There might be delays, but we work as fast as we can.
Ps: Ordering stuff on Amazon that you can only get there does not make you a bad person. But please consider first if the product you are searching for can be bought at a local business as well. J Plus: Right now is a very good time to reconsider all of you shopping behavior and maybe reduce it a little bit. But it is also a very good time to show solidarity with austrian businesses :)
Vouches can be placed on this website,
Any kinds of psychological consulting on this website.
Thank you for your solidarity, stay safe, stay inside!
If you have any questions, please email them to us!