Imagine we all are in a crisis and nobody is ordering stuff from Amazon or another international corporation – instead, we all decide to buy at local companies. Amazon and Co. hardly pay any taxes in Austria and therefore do not finance a single hospitalbed or a single ventilator. Apart from the tax money that gets lost for Austria a lot of local businesses are on the edge of breaking down.
Let´s focus on helping local businesses in these hard times of crisis!
Let´s keep the money in Austria! #solidarity
I therefore provide my website for all the small Austrian businesses that are currently trembling for existence. The businesses have to offer information on their website on how they can provide their goods in times of corona-lockdown. |
Seit über 150 Jahren steht das familiengeführte Traditionsunternehmen für die Liebe zu Juwelen und Zeitmesser. Ab sofort können feinste Juwelen, eine handverlesene Kollektion luxuriöser Uhren, exklusive Home-Accessoires und Geschenkartikel sowie Schreib-
Steuerberatung, Erstellung von Steuererklärungen, Arbeitnehmerveranlagungen, Jahresabschlüssen, Lohnverrechnung, Buchhaltung....
Clothing and headgear for nature lovers
In diesem Shop finden Sie alles rund um das Thema: Website. Von der Hilfe zur selbständigen Erstellung über die Sicherheit,, Web-Hosting, Online-Marketing, Social-Media-Marketing bis zum Erhalt einer eigenen Firmen-Homepage.
Children's fashion
Baking accessories: food colors, gumpaste, marzipan, baking mixes, sugar decorations, everything to do with baking
Backing accessories and ingredients
Photography hardware, photo editing, photo book, binoculars, consumer electronics
Distillery with online shop: with regional specialties from Kuenz (schnapps, liqueurs, Roter Turm gin, Rauchkofel whiskey)
We are the specialists in communicating complex issues simply and clearly.
Balls and standard parts of all kinds
Everything for garden care - fertilizers, tonics, pesticides
Family business for over 40 years for wood preservatives, glazes, paints, painting accessories. Now accessible via WEBSHOP
Books and paper goods (everything for office and school, gifts, small game ideas, handicraft material etc.)
We bring the restaurant to your home
Work clothes & safety shoes
Shopping in a special atmosphere!
Beeswax wraps
Aloe vera natural cosmetics and nutritional supplements made from vegan certified aloe vera fresh plant gel
Printed organic t-shirts and backpacks from certified production with funny hand-painted designs
Art shop
Art and antiques, restoration of old furniture, as well as vacancies
Specialty shop for religious art and culture
Art therapy online - for stress, overwork, exhaustion, fears and prophylactic to maintain and increase well-being
20th and 21st century art
Online shop with art, antiques, handicrafts & sculptures from 1900-1985
Art trade
Der Kunsthandel Widder beschäftigt sich vorwiegend mit österreichischer und deutscher Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. Schwerpunkt ist die Kunst der Zwischenkriegszeit, der Klassischen Moderne sowie die Exilkunst.
Designer jewelry online shop from Liesing
Handmade relaxation pillows and cuddly toys with lavender or stone pine filling, as well as gifts for all occasions
Großartige Bücher, knifflige Spiele, kreative Geschenke & schönes Design! Versandkostenfrei ab 40€ in Österreich. In Graz bieten wir eine kostenlose Hauszustellung an!
Pictures in acrylic, mixed media, watercolor, graphite (unique)
Zeitgenössische Kunst / Malerei / Zeichnung / Druckgrafik / Fotografie / Skulptur
Wenn die Freude verloren gegangen ist und du Kraft, Hilfe und neue Ideen brauchst, komm zur multimedialen Kunsttherapie! Erlebe deine Gestaltungskraft, tanke Energie, erfahre Fröhlichkeit, ganzheitliche Selbsterfahrung und Selbstschöpfung! In meinem große
Art bookshop, bookshop, gallery, engraving antiquarian bookshop
Dekorationsgegenstände für Terrasse und Garten, im mediterranen Landhausstil, aus Edelrost oder Steinguss
Kunstwerke und Workshops
Children's books, free shipping for oders over 20€
Die Kur-Apotheke Bad Ischl blickt auf eine lange Tradition zurück, die stets die Erhaltung von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zu ihren essenziellen Aufgaben gezählt hat. In über 200 hauseigenen Rezepturen wird dieses Apothekenwissen täglich verarbeitet.
Explanatory videos, animated films, online advertising
Kürbisgerichte im Glas, Kürbissugo, Kürbissauce, Kürbispüree und Lagerkürbisse ganzjährig
We are an agricultural company that specializes in the cultivation and processing of pumpkin products.
Styrian pumpkin seed oil and other regional, high-quality pumpkin delicacies
Music, painting, design
Heating, plumbing, ventilation and air conditioning requirements
Unterstützung beim Verfassen von Werbetexten, bei der Namensfindung und der Entwicklung von kleinen und großen Werbekampagnen.
Beauty specialities
Beratung für Digitalisierung, Marketing, Vertrieb
Unabhängige Versicherungsmaklerin für alle Versicherungsangelegenheiten
Sign up here with your local business, if
We ask you to put a note for your customers on your own websiite on how you are able to stay in service.
Feel free to recommend our website to others. But in order to avoid redundancies we ask you just to sign up your own business.
Please consider that the people behind this website are working unsalaried to check all of your businesses before we put them online. There might be delays, but we work as fast as we can.
Ps: Ordering stuff on Amazon that you can only get there does not make you a bad person. But please consider first if the product you are searching for can be bought at a local business as well. J Plus: Right now is a very good time to reconsider all of you shopping behavior and maybe reduce it a little bit. But it is also a very good time to show solidarity with austrian businesses :)
Vouches can be placed on this website,
Any kinds of psychological consulting on this website.
Thank you for your solidarity, stay safe, stay inside!
If you have any questions, please email them to us!